Forcing Bulbs for Color on A Grey Day

From 2009_2_Forced Bulbs

Forcing many flower bulbs indoors is extremely easy and a great way to bring spring color to your home when those rainy days keep dragging out. It's probably too late this season, but buy bulbs next October or November to brighten your winter kitchen table. The narcissus and hyacinth above are forced in water and pebbles, probably the easiest method.

Clear, glass containers with pebbles work well. Place the pebbles in the bottom third of the vessel, then put the bulb on top to the pebble layer and fill in with more pebbles to the top of the container. Add water to the container to just below the bottom of the bulb. If the bulb is in water, it will rot. The vase is then kept in a cool, dark room (preferably under 50 degrees F) until the root system has developed and a green top elongates. At this point it should be placed in a bright window, where the plant soon will blossom.

Directions say to throw out the bulbs after forcing, as they will never flower well again. I prefer to "let them out to pasture" in a underutilized part of the garden. They might grow and gain strength and some spring years from now you'll be greeted with new blossoms. You never know.

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