Travis Meinolf: Interactive Textile Artist

Anya and I were recently brainstorming for our "letter from the editor" for our soon-to-be-published third issue of Lettuce Turnip the Beets. This issue has the theme of Reclamation. Reclamation of land, skills, words, traditions, and more. While we were raving, ranting, jotting notes, and prowling the world wide web, we came across the blog of this wonderful fellow...

If any of you hang out in the Mission, you may have spotted Travis Meinolf perched at the top of one of the sloping hills of Dolores Park with his loom. He is a weaver and a textiles artist who "advocates for alternative economic and pedagogical models through a craft-based relational art practice." The blog is filled with some pretty amazing pictures of things he's made and a few videos of the creative process. I hope that it will inspire you as much as it inspired us!

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